redirect output to /dev/null ?
(too old to reply)
Rui Maciel
2009-01-06 14:11:47 UTC
Is there any standard output object like cout or cerr that acts like

Thanks in advance,
Rui Maciel
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2009-01-07 04:07:19 UTC
Post by Rui Maciel
Is there any standard output object like cout or cerr that acts like
If std::ofstream("/dev/null") is not sufficient, there are other
solutions (it's trivial to implement a null ifstream / ofstream). Have
a look here:


The rest of the posts in that thread besides that one are generally

I'm pretty sure the null_stream thing mentioned there never made it
into boost, btw. Searching for it yielded some boost peer reviews and
the ones I read did not look too promising.

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Ulrich Eckhardt
2009-01-07 04:06:46 UTC
Post by Rui Maciel
Is there any standard output object like cout or cerr that acts like

That said, a stream without a streambuffer doesn't actually write its output

// 1 - redirect output
std::cout << "look I'm invisible!";

// 2 - write to sinkless stream
std::ostream out(0);
out << "still can't see me?";

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2009-01-08 01:26:58 UTC
Post by Ulrich Eckhardt
Post by Rui Maciel
Is there any standard output object like cout or cerr that acts like
That said, a stream without a streambuffer doesn't actually write its output
I've always wondered where in the Standard it says that. Can you or
another guy tell me the source of that? (Not to say i wouldn't believe
you, i just want to read further about it)
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2009-01-07 04:08:07 UTC
Post by Rui Maciel
Is there any standard output object like cout or cerr that acts like
There is no such default stream type. You can, however, get that
effect by defining your own null-streambuf that just discards any
characters it is handed over:

template<typename Ch, typename Traits = std::char_traits<Ch> >
struct basic_nullbuf : std::basic_streambuf<Ch, Traits> {
typedef std::basic_streambuf<Ch, Traits> base_type;
typedef typename base_type::int_type int_type;
typedef typename base_type::traits_type traits_type;

virtual int_type overflow(int_type c) {
return traits_type::not_eof(c);

// convenient typedefs
typedef basic_nullbuf<char> nullbuf;
typedef basic_nullbuf<wchar_t> wnullbuf;

// buffers and streams
nullbuf cnull_obj;
wnullbuf wcnull_obj;
std::ostream cnull(&cnull_obj);
std::wostream wcnull(&wcnull_obj);

Keep the buffers and streams in the same file, to avoid static
initialization order problems. I have seen someone used a not-opened
ofstream to do the same and said that writing to it is a noop, but i
haven't been able to verify that since then. So i would better be on
the safe side writing my own like that. Have fun!
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2009-01-07 04:06:24 UTC
Post by Rui Maciel
Is there any standard output object like cout or cerr that acts like
No. But the boost iostreams library have null sources and sinks which
I think will do the trick.

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Jyoti Sharma
2009-01-07 04:22:32 UTC
Post by Rui Maciel
Is there any standard output object like cout or cerr that acts like
I am not aware of any such standard object. But you can very well redirect it to /dev/null easily and achieve the same effect--probably that is why it is not there.

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