Error when including 'limits' standard c++ library
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2009-06-23 21:01:38 UTC
Hi all,

I've got a compiler error when I include math or limits c++
standard libraries as follows:

#include <limits>
int main()
return 0;

I'm running gcc compiler on a unix system in this way:
g++ example.cpp

and the following error comes up:
limits: "No such file or directory"

The files which contain these statements belong to boost libraries.
So i guess there is something wrong with the
system or compiler.
I realised writing #include <limits.h> solves the problem.
But is not also the first expression grammatically correct in
standard c++?
Am I using a non-standard compiler?
As the source code comes from third-party libraries, how could I
bypass this issue avoiding to modify the
current file?

Many thanks in advance.
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Francis Glassborow
2009-06-24 01:37:25 UTC
Post by dailos
Hi all,
I've got a compiler error when I include math or limits c++
#include <limits>
int main()
return 0;
g++ example.cpp
limits: "No such file or directory"
The files which contain these statements belong to boost libraries.
So i guess there is something wrong with the
system or compiler.
I realised writing #include <limits.h> solves the problem.
But is not also the first expression grammatically correct in
standard c++?
No, the version without suffix is climits. In general any standard C
header file name converts to a C++ one by dropping the .h and prepending
a c. So, for example:

stdio.h -> cstdio

There is one place where this is essential because both <string> and
<cstring> are C++ header files but are entirely different.
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2009-06-24 01:40:45 UTC
"limits.h" is grammatically correct, but it refers to a
different file than <limits>. "limits.h" is the C language
limits file (also available in C++ as <climits>). It won't
have the numeric_limits template you are looking for.
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2009-06-24 09:55:16 UTC
Post by Ron
"limits.h" is grammatically correct, but it refers to a
different file than <limits>. "limits.h" is the C language
limits file (also available in C++ as <climits>). It won't
have the numeric_limits template you are looking for.
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OK, they refer to different libraries.
Why does my compiler complain about the first expression then?

I found the statement in some boost libraries. I need to be able to
compile this expression in order to use boost with my project.
Am I using an old compiler?
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2009-06-24 19:22:05 UTC
Post by dailos
I found the statement in some boost libraries. I need to be able to
compile this expression in order to use boost with my project.
Am I using an old compiler?
It's noncompliant with any of the C++ standard versions. It's evidentally
not uncommon because if you look in the boost headers you'll see that they
have code that handles implementations that are missing <limits> by replacing
it with their own. If you're using boost with this compiler, configuring
boost right will cover up this sin.
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Ulrich Eckhardt
2009-06-24 09:52:19 UTC
Post by dailos
I've got a compiler error when I include math or limits c++
#include <limits>
Post by dailos
limits: "No such file or directory"
That would be in violation of the C++ standard. My guess: you are using an
ancient compiler version.

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