Broken interaction between std::priority_queue and move-only types
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Zoltan Juhasz
2012-05-18 01:05:08 UTC
Let's say you've got a move-only type (such as std::unique_ptr< T >
or std::packaged_task) with an associated Compare functor that
defines some kind of ordering on objects of the move-only type:

struct Node;
std::unique_ptr< Node >,
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< Node > >,
... >
You insert elements to the container by using emplace:

std::unique_ptr< Node > node{ new Node() };
// other operations on node ...
maxHeap.emplace( std::move( node ) );
// add further elements ...

At some point you want to consume the elements; you can only
move them, as the type is not copy-able. Unfortunately you are
pretty much stuck, as std::priority_queue< T > does not
provide an interface to move elements out from the container,
as it only defines:

const value_type& top() const
void pop()

which is insufficient to be able to move elements from the container.

You can work around he problem by applying a const_cast on top():

std::unique_ptr< Node > node2 =
const_cast< std::unique_ptr< Node >& >( maxHeap.top() )

// oops, invariant might be broken, heap property is not upheld...

maxHeap.pop(); // ok, invariant is fixed

but that is pretty far from ideal.

So as a first step, I would like to confirm that this is indeed
an example of a broken interaction of move-only types and
std::priority_queue. Can you please comment on that?

As far as the solution is concerned, I guess providing

value_type& top() const

would open the door wide open to mess with the invariant of the
container, so that is not a good idea.

What we really need is a new pop:

void pop( value_type& e )

that is capable of moving the top element from the queue to 'e',
under certain circumstances. I can see some problems with strong
exception guarantees along this path, but I am fairly sure that
would be still a better option than forcing the user to
const_cast top() :)

-- Zoltan
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Daniel Krügler
2012-05-18 21:22:50 UTC
Let's say you've got a move-only type (such as std::unique_ptr< T>
or std::packaged_task) with an associated Compare functor that
struct Node;
std::unique_ptr< Node>,
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< Node> >,
std::unique_ptr< Node> node{ new Node() };
// other operations on node ...
maxHeap.emplace( std::move( node ) );
// add further elements ...
At some point you want to consume the elements; you can only move
them, as the type is not copy-able. Unfortunately you are pretty
much stuck, as std::priority_queue< T> does not provide an interface
const value_type& top() const
void pop()
I agree that this looks like a problematic restriction.
which is insufficient to be able to move elements from the
std::unique_ptr< Node> node2 =
const_cast< std::unique_ptr< Node>& >( maxHeap.top() )
// oops, invariant might be broken, heap property is not upheld...
maxHeap.pop(); // ok, invariant is fixed
but that is pretty far from ideal.
I agree as well.
So as a first step, I would like to confirm that this is indeed an
example of a broken interaction of move-only types and
std::priority_queue. Can you please comment on that?
I think you are right, that priority_queue should provide a better
support for move-only element types. You may want to submit a library
issue for this by sending one to the email address in the reply-to
section of this document:

As far as the solution is concerned, I guess providing
value_type& top() const
would open the door wide open to mess with the invariant of the
container, so that is not a good idea.
So what about adding

reference top() { return c.front(); }

instead? This would also be in sync with the std::queue and std::stack
templates and the remaining container templates.
void pop( value_type& e )
that is capable of moving the top element from the queue to 'e',
under certain circumstances. I can see some problems with strong
exception guarantees along this path, but I am fairly sure that
would be still a better option than forcing the user to const_cast
top() :)
I see no real advantage over a non-const version of top returning a
non-const reference having the additional advantage of being
consistent with the remaining container adaptor interfaces.

HTH & Greetings from Bremen,

Daniel Krügler
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Daniel Krügler
2012-05-18 21:29:30 UTC
Let's say you've got a move-only type (such as std::unique_ptr< T>
or std::packaged_task) with an associated Compare functor that
struct Node;
std::unique_ptr< Node>,
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< Node> >,
std::unique_ptr< Node> node{ new Node() };
// other operations on node ...
maxHeap.emplace( std::move( node ) );
// add further elements ...
At some point you want to consume the elements; you can only move
them, as the type is not copy-able. Unfortunately you are pretty
much stuck, as std::priority_queue< T> does not provide an interface
const value_type& top() const
void pop()
which is insufficient to be able to move elements from the
std::unique_ptr< Node> node2 =
const_cast< std::unique_ptr< Node>& >( maxHeap.top() )
// oops, invariant might be broken, heap property is not upheld...
maxHeap.pop(); // ok, invariant is fixed
but that is pretty far from ideal.
So as a first step, I would like to confirm that this is indeed an
example of a broken interaction of move-only types and
std::priority_queue. Can you please comment on that?
I had just send a reply to your posting when I recognized that I
overlooked the special nature of priority_queue. I apologize for my
first impulsive reply and I withdraw my proposal to add an overload

reference top();

because that would allow for changing the class-invariants of this
queue. In fact, we have a similar situation as we have std::set or
std::unordered_set. While I could think of a way to make such
containers able to support mutable operations (especially: Moving
elements out of the container) due to the node-like nature of these
associative containers, this seems not as easily possible for an
adaptor like priority_queue to me.
As far as the solution is concerned, I guess providing
value_type& top() const
would open the door wide open to mess with the invariant of the
container, so that is not a good idea.
void pop( value_type& e )
that is capable of moving the top element from the queue to 'e',
under certain circumstances. I can see some problems with strong
exception guarantees along this path, but I am fairly sure that
would be still a better option than forcing the user to
const_cast top() :)
I would like to see first how the semantics of this function would be
specified. Remember that the container adaptors rely on functions
provided by the wrapped container, so implementations cannot perform
there own "magic" here. It seems to me that the current most
consistent way *is* to use a const_cast, because that is what you
would do with elements of associative containers as well. If you can
point out a semantics of your above suggested pop functions that
provides more advantages, I would be strongly interested to hear them.

Greetings from Bremen,

Daniel Krügler
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Zoltan Juhasz
2012-05-19 20:45:51 UTC
Post by Daniel Krügler
reference top();
because that would allow for changing the class-invariants of this
queue. In fact, we have a similar situation as we have std::set or
Yes, sorry, actually in my original post I meant to provide the top()
with the above-mentioned signature (non-const), and point out what
you described.
Post by Daniel Krügler
void pop( value_type& e )
I would like to see first how the semantics of this function would be
specified. Remember that the container adaptors rely on functions
provided by the wrapped container, so implementations cannot perform
there own "magic" here. It seems to me that the current most
consistent way *is* to use a const_cast, because that is what you
would do with elements of associative containers as well. If you can
point out a semantics of your above suggested pop functions that
provides more advantages, I would be strongly interested to hear them.
As far as I see, while

const_cast< ... >( top() )

certainly works, but it is essentially a

reference top()

hacked together by the end-user.

My proposal would be a new pop( value_type & e ), where the
'top' is copied / moved to 'e' as described here:

If there is a noexecpt move-assignment operator for value_type,
enable moving 'top'; otherwise make a copy of 'top' and use
the copy-assignment operator.

Note: This semantic is very similar to what std::vector uses
to relocate elements by move or copy, while maintaining
the strong exception-safety guarantees.

template< ... >
void std::priority_queue< ... >::pop( value_type & e )
e = std::move_if_noexcept_assignable( internal_top() );
// invariant might be broken at this point, but this is
// not observeable from outside (assuming single thread)
internal_pop(); // invariant is fixed


1. Copy-assignment case

// type is copy-able and move-able, w/o noexcept move-assignment
struct node_cm_throw;

std::priority_queue< node_cm_throw, ... > queue;
node_cm_throw node;

// copy top to node, then pop
queue.pop( node );

2. Move-assignemnt case

// type is copy-able and move-able, with noexcept move-assignment
struct node_cm_nothrow;

std::priority_queue< node_cm_nothrow, ... > queue;
node_cm_nothrow node;

// move top to node, then then pop
queue.pop( node );

3. Error case

// type is move-only, w/o noexcept move-assignment
struct node_m_throw;

std::priority_queue< node_m_throw,... > queue;
node_m_throw node;

// error: missing copy-assignment operator
// or nothrow move-assignment operator
queue.pop( node );

4. Copy-assignemnt case

// (copy-able only)
struct node_c;

std::priority_queue< node_c, ... > queue;
node_c node;

// copy top() to node, then pop()
queue.pop( node );

The pop( value_type & e ) therefore
- provides strong exception-safety guarantees
- enables types with noexcept declared move-assignment operator
to move elements from the container
- makes sure that the heap property is upheld.

Pros over the const_cast< ... >( top() ):
- broken invariant is not observed from outside
- supports copy-able, move-able and certain move-only types
- makes the right choice if a type is both copy-able and
move-able at the same time (depending on move-assignment
operator noexcept declaration)

- if the value_type's move-assignment operator is not declared
as noexcept, this 'pop' still does not work with it
- does not support move-construction as the target object has to
be readily available, thus potentially requires that the type
is Default Constructible to support reasonable use-cases

I think the first restriction is reasonable to provide strong
exception-safety guarantees.

Second restriction might sounds worse, but in practice most
move-enabled types are also Default Constructible...

How does that sound?

-- Zoltan
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Joshua Maurice
2012-05-20 14:48:09 UTC
Post by Zoltan Juhasz
Unfortunately you are
pretty much stuck, as std::priority_queue< T > does not
provide an interface to move elements out from the container,
const value_type& top() const
void pop()
which is insufficient to be able to move elements from the container.
Post by Zoltan Juhasz
void pop( value_type& e )
Why not
value_type&& pop2()
or something?
(Insert whatever magic syntax to make this actually work. Sorry, I'm
still new to move-stuff.)
(As for the name "pop2" - I'm sorry, but I suck at naming.)

I recall reading that combining the top() and pop() functionality into
one function is "bad" or "less good" for some reason, but in this case
it seems to be the obvious solution. It would be nice to reuse the
existing pop() functionality, but I don't know how bad that would be
for backwards compatibility.
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Zoltan Juhasz
2012-05-21 04:19:11 UTC
Post by Joshua Maurice
Why not
value_type&& pop2()
or something?
(Insert whatever magic syntax to make this actually work. Sorry, I'm
still new to move-stuff.)
(As for the name "pop2" - I'm sorry, but I suck at naming.)
The problem with returning rvalue reference - or any reference as
a matter of fact - that you have to be able to store the object, on
which you return a reference to, someplace that outlives
the function-call.

For example this code introduces a dangling reference:

value_type&& bad_pop()
auto e = { move_if_noexcept( internal_top() ) };
return e; // oops, reference returned to temporary

You can apply an implementation specific trick, to establish
such a 'persistent' storage, for example a naive, binary-heap
implementation on a vector could swap the 0th element (top)
with the nth (last) element, then fix the heap property
between [0, n-1], while returning an rvalue reference to the
nth element, which is not part of the heap.

While it is certainly possible to come up with such a trick,
it might not be trivial in other cases.
Post by Joshua Maurice
I recall reading that combining the top() and pop() functionality into
one function is "bad" or "less good" for some reason, but in this case
it seems to be the obvious solution. It would be nice to reuse the
existing pop() functionality, but I don't know how bad that would be
for backwards compatibility.
I am not sure if combining top and pop is essentially bad, for
example if you are dealing with thread-safe queue or stack,
combining pop and top is a well-known way to eliminate inherent
race-conditions on the container's interface, I guess the question
is how do you combine them, for example:

value_type faulty_pop()
auto e = move_if_noexcept( internal_top() );
return e;

does not provide strong exception guarantees, b/c when you return 'e',
an exception might occur, and at that point you've changed the
container in an irreversible way.

The pop( value_type& e ), on the other hand, does not suffer from
these kind of problems; until now, there were no reason to provide
such an overload, since top() + pop() provides the same functionality.

I am not against the value_type&& pop2() on the other hand, the
question is how feasible the implementation in a real-life scenario.

-- Zoltan
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Joshua Maurice
2012-05-21 07:53:00 UTC
Post by Zoltan Juhasz
Post by Joshua Maurice
Why not
value_type&& pop2()
or something?
(Insert whatever magic syntax to make this actually work. Sorry, I'm
still new to move-stuff.)
(As for the name "pop2" - I'm sorry, but I suck at naming.)
The problem with returning rvalue reference - or any reference as
a matter of fact - that you have to be able to store the object, on
which you return a reference to, someplace that outlives
the function-call.
value_type&& bad_pop()
auto e = { move_if_noexcept( internal_top() ) };
return e; // oops, reference returned to temporary
I see. I need more work with move types. I haven't had a chance to
play around with them yet. I spoke too soon.

I do like your
pop(value_type& );

Thanks for your explanation.
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Seungbeom Kim
2012-05-21 13:18:49 UTC
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Gene Bushuyev
2012-05-21 19:28:09 UTC
Post by Seungbeom Kim
Post by Zoltan Juhasz
I am not sure if combining top and pop is essentially bad, for
example if you are dealing with thread-safe queue or stack,
combining pop and top is a well-known way to eliminate inherent
race-conditions on the container's interface, I guess the question
value_type faulty_pop()
auto e = move_if_noexcept( internal_top() );
return e;
does not provide strong exception guarantees, b/c when you return
'e', an exception might occur, and at that point you've changed
the container in an irreversible way.
Can't we enable that function only for value_types with a
non-throwing move constructor?
Post by Zoltan Juhasz
The pop( value_type& e ), on the other hand, does not suffer from
these kind of problems;
But then you need to default construct an object of value_type and
ask the top element to be move-assigned to it. It may not be always
possible or desirable to default construct such an object, just to
be overwritten later.
To avoid default constructing an object one would need the function
returning by value, how about simply modifying pop to return a value:

template<typename T, typename Container, typename Compare>
T priority_queue<T, Container, Compare>::pop()
T tmp(move(container.front()));
make_heap(container.begin(), container.end(), compare);
return tmp;

It will not break existing code that relies on copy and assumes pop()
doesn't return anything.
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Joshua Maurice
2012-05-22 16:23:29 UTC
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Zoltan Juhasz
2012-05-22 18:43:01 UTC
Post by Gene Bushuyev
To avoid default constructing an object one would need the function
template<typename T, typename Container, typename Compare>
T priority_queue<T, Container, Compare>::pop()
T tmp(move(container.front()));
make_heap(container.begin(), container.end(), compare);
return tmp;
It will not break existing code that relies on copy and assumes pop()
doesn't return anything.
Unfortunately this implementation does not provide strong exception
safety guarantees, e.g. if an exception is thrown when you return tmp,
the container has been already modified, in an irreversible way, and
the returned element is lost.

-- Zoltan
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Gene Bushuyev
2012-05-23 01:11:03 UTC
Post by Zoltan Juhasz
Post by Gene Bushuyev
To avoid default constructing an object one would need the function
template<typename T, typename Container, typename Compare>
T priority_queue<T, Container, Compare>::pop()
T tmp(move(container.front()));
make_heap(container.begin(), container.end(), compare);
return tmp;
It will not break existing code that relies on copy and assumes pop()
doesn't return anything.
Unfortunately this implementation does not provide strong exception
safety guarantees, e.g. if an exception is thrown when you return tmp,
the container has been already modified, in an irreversible way, and
the returned element is lost.
But does priority_queue have a strong exception guarantee of pop()?
Implementation of heap requires copies or moves of its elements on pop
anyway. To provide a strong guarantee pop() would need to keep the
original vector and work on copy, which is 1) expensive, and 2) the
same can be used in the new implementation.
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2012-05-23 17:49:19 UTC
Post by Gene Bushuyev
Post by Zoltan Juhasz
Post by Gene Bushuyev
To avoid default constructing an object one would need the function
template<typename T, typename Container, typename Compare>
T priority_queue<T, Container, Compare>::pop()
T tmp(move(container.front()));
make_heap(container.begin(), container.end(), compare);
return tmp;
It will not break existing code that relies on copy and assumes pop()
doesn't return anything.
Unfortunately this implementation does not provide strong exception
safety guarantees, e.g. if an exception is thrown when you return tmp,
the container has been already modified, in an irreversible way, and
the returned element is lost.
But does priority_queue have a strong exception guarantee of pop()?
No, not generally. Good point.
Post by Gene Bushuyev
Implementation of heap requires copies or moves of its elements on pop
anyway. To provide a strong guarantee pop() would need to keep the
original vector and work on copy, which is 1) expensive,
Exactly. But this won't be possible for move-only types, of course.
So, for move-only types with a potentially throwing move assignment,
pop simply can't give the strong exception safety guarantee regardless
of whether it returns something or not. So, a move assignment for the
popped element in a function like

void pop(value_type & into);

would also not be able to make the strong guarantee. Therefore, I'd
prefer an additional pop-like function with a different name that
simply returns by value ("pop_return", "pop_move", etc). It may be an
additional move (in case of NRVO not being applicable) but it's much
much nicer to be able to write

value_type foo = queue.pop_move();

without any default constructions going on.

Well, the default construction could be also removed with a pop
function that receives a reference to a type like
boost::optional<value_type>. To generalize this, the function could
accept a "sink functor":

template<class Sink>
void pop(Sink sink)
sink(std::move(...)); // move_if_noexcept is pointless here,

and its use:

boost::optional<value_type> v;
queue.pop([&](value_type&& x){v=std::move(x);});

But this is not a serious suggestion. Just an idea. As I said, I'd
prefer a simple

value_type pop_move();

function which conditionally offers the nothrow guarantee (in case
value_type is nothrow-movable).

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Wil Evers
2012-05-24 08:40:43 UTC
Post by Zoltan Juhasz
Post by Gene Bushuyev
To avoid default constructing an object one would need the function
template<typename T, typename Container, typename Compare>
T priority_queue<T, Container, Compare>::pop()
T tmp(move(container.front()));
make_heap(container.begin(), container.end(), compare);
return tmp;
It will not break existing code that relies on copy and assumes pop()
doesn't return anything.
Unfortunately this implementation does not provide strong exception
safety guarantees, e.g. if an exception is thrown when you return tmp,
the container has been already modified, in an irreversible way, and
the returned element is lost.
Which is why, as Seungbeom Kim suggested, this version of pop() should
only be enabled if T has a non-throwing move constructor (or, if
it doesn't have a move constructor, a non-throwing copy constructor).

- Wil

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Dave Abrahams
2012-05-28 04:59:57 UTC
Post by Zoltan Juhasz
Post by Gene Bushuyev
To avoid default constructing an object one would need the function
template<typename T, typename Container, typename Compare>
T priority_queue<T, Container, Compare>::pop()
T tmp(move(container.front()));
make_heap(container.begin(), container.end(), compare);
return tmp;
It will not break existing code that relies on copy and assumes pop()
doesn't return anything.
Unfortunately this implementation does not provide strong exception
safety guarantees, e.g. if an exception is thrown when you return tmp,
the container has been already modified, in an irreversible way, and
the returned element is lost.
That's not so terrible. The basic guarantee is perfectly adequate for
many situations.
Dave Abrahams
BoostPro Computing

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Wil Evers
2012-05-28 17:12:08 UTC
Post by Dave Abrahams
Post by Zoltan Juhasz
Post by Gene Bushuyev
To avoid default constructing an object one would need the
function returning by value, how about simply modifying pop to
template<typename T, typename Container, typename Compare>
T priority_queue<T, Container, Compare>::pop()
T tmp(move(container.front()));
make_heap(container.begin(), container.end(), compare);
return tmp;
It will not break existing code that relies on copy and assumes
pop() doesn't return anything.
Unfortunately this implementation does not provide strong exception
safety guarantees, e.g. if an exception is thrown when you return
tmp, the container has been already modified, in an irreversible
way, and the returned element is lost.
That's not so terrible. The basic guarantee is perfectly adequate
for many situations.
For priority_queue, I agree. As Gene explained elsewhere in this
thread, popping an element from a priority_queue involves moving a few
elements around in the underlying container, so in the face of a T
with a throwing move/copy constructor, even 'void pop()' cannot
provide the strong guarantee.

For most of the other standard containers, the situation is different:
they do provide the strong guarantee for pop{back,front}(). This is
possible because they do not attempt to return a T. I still remember
how long it took for the C++ community to realise and accept that, for
a T with a throwing copy constructor, you cannot have a 'T pop()' that
offers the strong guarantee. Some experts even insisted that this was
evidence of a fundamental flaw in C++'s exception concept.

With the introduction of move semantics, it seems we can finally have
our cake and eat it too: a 'T pop_and_return()' or somesuch would be
able to both return the former top element and provide the strong
exception guarantee.

But unlike 'void pop()', that strong guarantee can only be provided
if T has a non-throwing move constructor (or copy constructor).
Keeping that in mind, it seems to me that a 'T pop_and_return()'
should be disabled if it cannot provide the strong guarantee. The
alternative is just way too subtle. It will cause lots of confusion,
which is terrible indeed.

- Wil
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Wil Evers
2012-05-21 21:24:18 UTC
Post by Seungbeom Kim
Post by Zoltan Juhasz
value_type faulty_pop()
auto e = move_if_noexcept( internal_top() );
return e;
does not provide strong exception guarantees, b/c when you return
'e', an exception might occur, and at that point you've changed the
container in an irreversible way.
Can't we enable that function only for value_types with a
non-throwing move constructor?
Post by Zoltan Juhasz
The pop( value_type& e ), on the other hand, does not suffer from
these kind of problems;
But then you need to default construct an object of value_type and
ask the top element to be move-assigned to it. It may not be always
possible or desirable to default construct such an object, just to
be overwritten later.
I agree. Paradoxically, a movable type without a default constructor
seems like a strange beast, because it presumably implements a "valid,
but resourceless" state for its objects to be left in after having
been moved from.

I would say that a type with a default constructor clearly advertises
that such a state exists and must be reckoned with.

- Wil
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Seungbeom Kim
2012-05-22 18:38:24 UTC
Post by Wil Evers
Post by Seungbeom Kim
Post by Zoltan Juhasz
The pop( value_type& e ), on the other hand, does not suffer from
these kind of problems;
But then you need to default construct an object of value_type and
ask the top element to be move-assigned to it. It may not be always
possible or desirable to default construct such an object, just to
be overwritten later.
I agree. Paradoxically, a movable type without a default
constructor seems like a strange beast, because it presumably
implements a "valid, but resourceless" state for its objects to be
left in after having been moved from.
I would say that a type with a default constructor clearly
advertises that such a state exists and must be reckoned with.
You have a good point. Then in most sensible cases, the default
constructor should be available and its cost should reduce to
initializing a few small scalar objects such as pointers or booleans.

The remaining problem is that of aesthetics: "value_type e = q.pop();"
is much more elegant than "value_type e; q.pop(e);" and I'd love to be
able to write so.
Seungbeom Kim

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Frank Birbacher
2012-05-25 22:32:34 UTC
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Post by Seungbeom Kim
The remaining problem is that of aesthetics: "value_type e =
q.pop();" is much more elegant than "value_type e; q.pop(e);" and
I'd love to be able to write so.
For the naming I suggest "displace_pop()" where I think "displace" is
the opposite of "emplace."

I'd love to use "const" as well:

auto const e = q.displace_pop();

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Zoltan Juhasz
2012-05-22 18:34:01 UTC
Post by Seungbeom Kim
Can't we enable that function only for value_types with a non-throwing
move constructor?
I guess an

value_type emplace_pop()

could be a reasonable alternative. Ofc. then it cannot be used with
types that provides no nothrow move-ctor (or nothrow cpy-ctor), plus
this one potentially requires two move (or copy) instead of one
(not taking RVO into account).

I guess the advantage of pop( value_type& e ) that it works happily
with types that are not move-able at all, and only one copy or move
is involved.
Post by Seungbeom Kim
Post by Zoltan Juhasz
The pop( value_type& e ), on the other hand, does not suffer from
these kind of problems;
But then you need to default construct an object of value_type and
ask the top element to be move-assigned to it. It may not be always
possible or desirable to default construct such an object, just to
be overwritten later.
I think it might be inconvenient in some very rare cases, but
probably not unreasonable, IIRC most - if not all - current
move-only types in standard template library provides default

I also agree with Wil, when you move the resources out from an
object, it is very similar to a default constructed state that
has not acquired the resources yet (e.g. it has to be destructible
and assignable).

Having said that, I am not against an emplace_pop(), but cannot
clearly see the advantage either.
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